Colors on your screen

C o l o r s O n Y o u r C o m p u t e r

Have you ever wondered how many colors are on your computer screen. Well, they are many - really many. All the colors are got as a mixture of three basic colors: Red, Green and Blue.
Each color is regulated with a set of two switches. Each of these two switches are like the cieling fan regulators. They have 16 points to regulate instead of the normal 5 or 6 points in the ceiling fan regulator.
Let us name these 16 points as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E & F and regulate the background color of this page using the lab below.
Color 012 345 678 9AB CDE F
The color in this page background is denoted by
Now try to figure out exactly how many shades of colors you can see on you screen. Even if you should try to see all these shades, making one mouse click a second you need more than 6 months to see all of them. Wooooooooooooooooooh!!!
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